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Annie Kathrine Vangsnes

Annie Kathrine Vangsnes


Our leader and head of operations

Accomplish’ visionary leader, Annie Kathrine Vangsnes, multilingual with Norwegian origin, is a woman whose commitment is legendary within her work. Few leaders possess such diverse skills and abilities as her.

With a master in economy and marketing management, over 20 years in Greece and in the tourist industry and over 25 years experience from having her own company, and coordinating events and programming in the fitness industry, she has shown capacities to always find practical and honorable solutions and methods for our clients to accomplish what needs to be done in all our operations.

Annie Kathrine Vangsnes possesses an unusual combination of leadership skills, and have with Accomplish hosted and operated the biggest incentives both in participants as in volume hosted in Rhodes the last 10 years.

She is extremely solutions oriented and moves easily and effectively in her actions and our operations. She got a high level of presentation skills, and is an animator in discussions in both small and large groups. She is always in part a teacher—as much concerned with what is being learned as with what is immediately accomplished.

She is a perceptive observer of trends in international development circles and is able to comprehend when those trends can be honestly accommodated to the longstanding objectives of our clients and in our destinations.

Over the years she has earned an unsullied reputation as DMC and event developer, and is known as one of the best operation managers through all of Greece.

Companies that Trusted Us

We love what we do…

… and together with the light breeze in our islands, the Mediterranean culture, and our owner’s Norwegian organizational mentality, we have had the pleasure to achieve numerous of successful events during our 22 years as a DMC in Rhodes.

Our ability to be creative when needed, tailor make, adjust to clients needs, and estimate outcomes for our clients, has made our success and continuous existence during these years.

Our portfolio consist of numerous of projects, giving us for each one more experience, a possibility to continuous improvement, and even more creative solutions and ideas for the projects to come.

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